Thursday, March 31, 2011

Don't mind the new look

Don't mind the new template, I liked it, thought it was calming and relaxing. Not to be confused with sad and depressing, that's not what I was going for. 

If I thought it was bad then, it has gotten worse. SENIORITIS. I swear spring break, well for me at least, is responsible for one thing, and one thing only - making me skip all my classes today. And of course the terrible cold I have had for about 3 days now had something to do with it. Honest, I didn't feel good at all and especially not at 7am when my alarm went off. Could I have made it to class, yes. Did spring break increase my symptoms of senioritis, 100% (see previous post for definition of senioritis, particularly the part about wearing sweat pants, ALL the time). 
I will say since senioritis has hit me so hard this year, and thanks to my lack of cable and internet I have taken on a whole new hobbie. Watching what seems to be every TV series known to man. So far I have completed, am up to date, or in the middle somewhere of One Tree Hill, Dexter, OC, Nip Tuck and Weeds. I would LIKE to start watching Six Feet Under just because the lead in Dexter, Michael C. Hall, plays a character who is gay so that has got to be interesting. Nurse Jackie, because she has my name. And Californication, no clue why.
By the sounds of it you would think I have a whole lot of time on my hands to sit around and watch all these series along with Teen Mom and Jersey shore, just to name a few. But, they keep me grounded. Reality TV along with TV series are my vice. I don't smoke cigarettes for God's sake I need something to keep me sane. Plus, these shows let me live vicariously through drug dealers, doctors, sluts, and musicians. Its a nice change of pace from tan expert senior soon to be jobless and essentially homeless. :)

Before I go, if anyone out there in the blog world has been watching Dexter and would like to gossip with me over what happened at the end of season 4. Please do. Still in shock. 

Peace and Blessings.... Peace and Blessings!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's been far to long...

It's been a while since I have blogged. My apologies. I will have to say its all my roommates fault. I temporarily moved out and while I was gone they got rid of cable AND internet, sinners, I know. Anyways it has made it difficult for me to write when I have a brilliant thought or idea. I have to wait until I go to the library and by that time the thought has already came and went.
I would first like to pick a bone with the song called "The lazy song". If you haven't heard it (which I'm sure you have) stop now, go listen to it then come back. For those of you who have heard it, here is a quick recap. Slow, happy go lucky, great tune, Bruno Mars kind song. Some of the lyrics go like this...

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything

I'm gonna kick my feet up then stare at the fan
Turn the TV on, throw my hand in my pants
Nobody's gon' tell me I can't.

EVERY TIME I hear this song I just want to scream. Why? Because you know what BRUNO MARS of course you want to be lazy, because you can afford to be lazy. You can afford to kick your feet up, sit around in your snuggie, and throw your hands in your pants (weird). But people like me (whom I would like to think is the majority of your listeners) CAN'T. While I'm sitting at :::high pitched fake voice::: Splurge Boutique and Tanning, cleaning sweaty tanning beds your sitting around doing nothing, and making money doing it. The second I don't feel like picking up my phone, I have 12 people pissed at me and my mom has a search party after me because "I was scared something happened to you".  Maybe I heard the song on a bad day. Oh well.

None the less it is getting closer to graduation and reality is slapping me around, but it is a good thing. I have been brainstorming about where I want to get a job when I graduate if I want to get a career or maybe an internship or maybe a job that has nothing to do with my field. I of course have different ideas than my Mother would like me to have but as of now I am looking into working at Cox Communications or for a DJ company along with a part time job for extra cash. When I think of getting a career in Omaha I think of getting stuck and Omaha is the last place I want to reside for more than a year. I need to find something that with offer me stable income, looks good on a resume, but is not forever. Suggestions please!
I think it is safe to say I have this senioritis thing down to a T, as for this adulthood thing, I'm still working on it. Every day I have to make decisions, every day I learn a little more about who I want to be and who I am becoming. It truly is amazing.

As for a few random updates I get off diversion on May 1st (FINALLY) and I am doing better with my facebook with draws! It will be the first thing I do Easter Sunday, don't get me wrong BUT it has gotten a lot easier since the first couple weeks. Try it sometime. Give up facebook for a day or two, you will see how many times you are tempted to update your status. 

I will make it a point to get to the library more often to write! Talk to you soon :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Graduation update!

I was given the opportunity to retake this test that was holding my diploma over my head and... I PASSED IT!
Graduation, as of now, is still in my future.
As for now I need to stay focused, stay tuned for more posts! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

5 years comes down to this...

I'm one of those people that claim they are a terrible test taker. Whether that is my excuse to lack of effort or if I am truly a terrible test taker is besides the point.
My entire college career has come down to one basket, a very breakable basket, and four very breakable eggs. What I'm trying to say is all my eggs are in one basket and that basket just broke.
I am in an international marketing class where the 'rule' is if you don't score a certain percentage on the tests the professor has the right to drop you from the class (how he has that right is beyond me) but from the beginning of the class he has been trying to spend my money for me (long story). Well I of course didn't score the acceptable score on the test to stay in the class.


Now that you have had a little time to process what I just wrote and was able to re read this ridiculousness I will say that I am SCREWED.


How has my entire college career 5 YEARS OF COLLEGE EDUCATION come down to this one test. Since when did a letter or a percentage define who I am as a student? Wait, it has my whole life. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it their job to teach me, to educate me, to help me obtain the information, to better prepare me to find a job in the real world? Isn't a professors job to teach me not punish me. I get it, I'm almost 23 years old and by this point in my career I should have developed a test taking strategy that works for me and shouldn't have a teacher holding my hand and babysitting me through theses tests. But God's sake just because I didn't understand it the way YOU taught it doesn't mean I'm not capable of learning the information.


In short I just want the tools to succeed and not my diploma being dangled over my head. I bet your wondering what I'm going to do now huh? Good question! Suggestions below please.

PS: day two of no facebook and I've officially diagnosed myself as an addict

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cap and Gown ORDERED!

Yes! That's right! My cap and gown has been ordered! I have been counting down until graduation from like 200 some odd days and although I know it is coming, placing that order made it real. Now, with that being said I will add in the fact that I am totally against walking at graduation. 
1. I did it for high school and it was boring and very uneventful 
2. Once I take my last final I would like to jump in my car and never return to Kearney Nebraska  
3. The University of Nebraska at Kearney is literally nickle and diming me right out of this place!
I had to pay $25 for my senior check list (which by the way still hasn't come in the mail, I should check on that) I have to pay $25 dollars to RENT a cap and gown. Hell they are probably going to charge me $25 to sit in an audience for hours, walk across a stage playing close attention to every step I take to ensure I don't trip and fall in front of thousands of people I don't know TO RECEIVE A FAKE DIPLOMA.
However, my parents have a very different opinion on graduation day. "Jacki we paid for your college I'll be damned if we don't get to see you walk across that stage, AND YOU BETTER SMILE" - that people, were the words of my wonderful Mother. So there you have it. I WILL be walking on graduation day. 

Apart from that life changing experience my life has remained pretty hectic! School has been pretty tough this semester so I have been attempting to stay focused on that, my sister has been sick so that keeps me worried, my roommate and I had a falling out so I'll be moving out tomorrow and the tanning salon is keeping me busy of course, and rather bronze might I add.

I suppose I should get back to packing up my room but STAY TUNED for some blogs on how my lent season is going. I will be giving up FACEBOOK :)