Friday, April 8, 2011

Keeping up, and no, not with the kardashians.

Lately I feel like I have just been trying to keep up. I'm not trying to take on the world by any means I'm just trying to keep up with it. I literally have 28 some odd days until my world changes, forever. Maybe I'm being dramatic. Anyways, 28 days until I move out of Kearney Nebraska, 28 days until I'm considered an 'adult' (whatever that means), 28 days until I'm expected to have a career. 28 DAYS UNTIL EVERYONE I KNOW WILL ASK ME "SO WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS NOW." All of this, assuming I will actually graduate. I still have 4 classes to pass which include designing a website! I think you will all be happy to know though, that I'm right on track. 
I recently got in contact with my high school volleyball coach for a number of reasons. Following my rule of thumb of its not what you know it's who you know I asked her if their were any openings at the high school for coaching volleyball. This was my attempts my secure a job so I wouldn't be jobless right out of college. She told me there MIGHT be an opening as the assistant varsity volleyball coach. NOW, I didn't go to college for 5 years to become a coach but I still have and probably always will have a passion for coaching. This would be an awesome opportunity for me in my transition from college to ADULTHOOD. I would still like to look into finding a part time job in my field so I can stay in touch with everything I've learned in the last 5 years but, I still think this will be an awesome opportunity, a great learning experience and one more thing I can put on my resume that will show I have leadership skills. 
As for other, not so serious topics, my family + all of our boyfriends are going to be taking a family trip to Orlando this summer and I'm SO excited about it. Being the planner I am, the planner my Mother instilled in me, I made a list of all of our expenses all the way from flight to fun. Mostly to try and budget for myself but also to try and get this trip locked in. Apart from the main reason for going to Orlando, a wedding, we are going to go to universal, sea world, visit the beach and my boyfriend and I are going to take a look at some apartments. That reminds me, I need to make a list of apartments to visit, then call and make appointments to look at them. Anyways, that will be exciting for us. If you don't know we want to get out of Nebraska, IMMEDIATELY. Aside from the unemployment rate in Florida being SO high we think Orlando would be a nice place to reside for a couple years. I kind of brought Orlando to the table because it is close to some of my family who I want to get to know better. This trip to Orlando will be a make or break situation. We will really be able to see if it is a place for us or if we need to continue our search for a place to live. It will be important that we will both be able to find a place to work where we can be happy for at least a couple years.
That is all I have for now. I just got done reading a book the other day. Life Changing. I'll be blogging about it soon. STAY TUNED

Peace and Blessings.... Peace and Blessings.

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