Tuesday, June 14, 2011

You know your an adult when...

You know your an adult when: YOU GRADUATE .. and get a credit card where the bill doesn't go to your parents BOTH of which I have done.

Since I have graduated life has been hectic, YET, calm. I have put in minimal effort to find a career, which has been nice. I do have a part time job making full time money I just have no desire AS of now to find a REAL job. I'm not entirely sure if it is because I'm scared to, or if it is because I am making a lot of fast easy money where I am (server, not stripper) or if it is because I don't want to get stuck here which would hold me back from my plans to move to Orlando in about a year or so.
Slowly, very slowly, I have found myself changing from a dependent person to an independent person. If you were to ask my friends or the people who know me best they would probably say I am a very INdependent person. If you were to look at my parents bank statements you would see I am or WAS a DEpendent person. I have been shifting into a more finically independent person. FOR EXAMPLE: I just went on a trip and where my dad would of thrown me a twenty and said don't spend it all in one place I got a hug and a have fun! What I'm trying to say is I applied for a credit card, got approved and my limit is 5,000 dollars!! Let's hope my parents have instilled in me the meaning of living with in your means! :)
I would have to say though, this whole grown up thing feels great! Not registering for classes, putting my back pack up, making my own decisions, overwhelming but AMAZING.
In a month from yesterday I will find myself in the sunshine state of Florida. As you have read ( I hope ) in my previous posts you saw that I am going to Orlando with my family for a wedding. For me and my boyfriend this trip will serve as a duel purpose trip. We will be looking for apartments while we are down there so hopefully we can pack up and move in a year. I find myself pretty anxious at times when I think about this. I have never been one who was scared to fail, I just get up, brush off and go at it 10 times harder. But now, I find myself being scared to fail, scared of rejection, just plain scared. There are so many things to figure out and worry about when it comes to moving half way across the united states to HOPEFULLY start a career. Non the less I am ready for whatever God has in store for me. If that means I fail 5 times, learn some lessons then finally be able to stand alone, than so be it. If it is his will that I get the first job I apply for then THANK YOU GOD...literally.
As for some other tid bits going on in my life my family and I, plus our boyfriends are par taking in THE BIGGEST LOSER - put on by ME, the family event coordinator (or at least I feel like that's my title). We are all have our own approach on how to loose weight but I'm happy to say we are all doing pretty well. Although I find myself starting to loose motivation Mike (my boyfriend) keeps me on my toes.

That is all I have for now, on growing up, or a lack there of :)
For my readers sorry it took so long to write, we FINALLY got wireless at my parents house so I will be writing more frequently!

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